Suppose you are sorting a set of cards. The right hand holds several cards which are sequentially sorted by numbers arranged from right to left, say for example, five cards with 10, 6, 5, 3, 2 arranged from right to left. Your left hand is picking up the top card from a pile of card deck. Now you insert the card that you have picked from the pile of deck into the right position within the right-hand cards, in a sorted order from right to left.
Write the instructions in a step by step manner. Note down even a minor step that you have taken to insert the left-hand card into a correct position within the set of right-hand cards so that the right-hand card set remains sorted from right to left.
The data structure is a linked list where head points to the first card and every card points to the next one.
[2] -> [3] -> [5] -> [6] -> [10]
Insertion sort is the solution to insert the next card in the right position. The insert function returns the new head of the list.
- if there are no cards, return the new card
- else, if the new card precedes the current head, append the head to the new card and return the new card
- else, if the new card follows the head and head is the last card, append the new cart to the head and return the head
- else, put aside the head and call insert recursively. Append the result to head and return head.
In Python:
import random
class Card:
''' List element '''
def __init__(self, value:int) -> None:
self.value = value = None
def get_value(self) -> int:
return self.value
def get_next(self):
def set_next(self, next) -> None: = next
def insert(new_card:Card, head:Card) -> Card:
''' insert new_card and return the new head '''
if head is None:
# if there are no cards, return the new card
return new_card
elif new_card.get_value() < head.get_value():
# add the card in front if it precedes the current slice
return new_card
elif head.get_next() is None:
# add the card at the end if it's bigger than the last one
return head
# insert in the hand skipping the first card
tmp = insert(new_card, head.get_next())
# append to the first card
return head
def print_hand(head:Card) -> None:
''' print the hand '''
card = head
while card is not None:
print(" " if card is not None else "\n",end='')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# some test code
cards = [i for i in range(1,11)]
head:Card = None
for i in range(0,10):
next = Card(cards[i])
print(format("inserting {value}".format(value = next.get_value())))
head = insert(next, head)
inserting 1
inserting 8
1 8
inserting 2
1 2 8
inserting 9
1 2 8 9
inserting 5
1 2 5 8 9
inserting 3
1 2 3 5 8 9
inserting 7
1 2 3 5 7 8 9
inserting 6
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
inserting 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
inserting 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10