An interesting interview to David Heinemeier Hansson, cofounder and CTO of Basecamp, and creator of Ruby on Rails.
ByteCast Ep23 - David Heinemeier Hansson
He speaks about #remoteworking too:
«So here alone comes the pandemic. It blows the idea that, “Oh, unless you’re in front of a whiteboard, you can’t be creative.” Does anyone seriously think that no creativity has happened in the last year and a half? Like now that’s actually a ludicrous proposition to advance, but it wasn’t so three years ago, very serious people were arguing that you could not do creative work, you could not build or sustain a culture, you could not do all these things if you’re working remotely, this was simply not possible, ignoring of course, the fact that plenty of companies had done just that and the entire open source community has done that for, not just two decades, but three or four.»
He advocated remote working already in 2013: David Heinemeier Hansson: Every Employee Should Work From Home