Everyday I get messages
People asking about guidance on securing their first remote position
For many, It would seem any #remoterole, #remotework or position is wanted….. and any will do!
We have too many articles about remote working opening with the picture of someone sitting with a laptop in an exotic place in total relaxation. It’s pretty obvious that people may ask: “how can I get that life!?”
My reality as a remote worker is to sit in my home office all day, at a desk, on an ergonomic chair, switching between deep focus and zoom meetings. I can work from anywhere, and I occasionally do it, but it’s not the norm. In reality, it’s almost the same as working in a corporate building, but without shoes, office noise, or commute. And the watercooler moments happen with family instead of colleagues.
Working from a beach sounds amazing, and it is possible, but, in reality, it’s not the norm. Maybe conservative companies and CEOs would become less skeptical if we start to give a realistic picture instead or this fantasy.
More honest communication is needed in all of this!
It’s all marketing, and I wonder if it makes sense. Selling the idea of employees doing their job on a hammock on a tropical island, completely disconnected from their teams, is not just unrealistic but also scares employers.