Since the first lockdown in 2020, when I started working remotely full-time, I saved around 1.300 hours by not commuting to an office, time that I spent mostly on personal and professional improvements. On top of that, I had way more family time, moved to a better place, avoided lots of toxic “office culture” and stress, and developed new connections. My productivity skyrocketed together with my ability to focus in my quiet home office. And, so far, not a single sick day!
Disadvantages? Freelancing cross-border is a bit more complicated than having a classic employer, but I can live with that.
Think 1300 hours is an underestimate, lots of time is spent preparing for commuting and decompressing after reaching home!
yes, it’s a conservative estimation, purely door-to-door. I did not even count that twice a month, some disruption blocked me somewhere for hours, or sometimes my usual train did not run. 1.300 already paints a clear picture 😉