Staffing issues

Staffing issues typically originate from a failure to understand project requirements, flawed resource estimation, and poor management. In my current role, I have found that hiring and retaining good developers can be challenging in today’s marketplace due to their massive demand. High salaries and extravagant titles aren’t enough; as a company, we constantly balance keeping our employees challenged and engaged without over-working them. Furthermore, I have seen an increased desire for developers to work on truly meaningful and interesting projects.

Gen Z (after 1995) is a new entry in many offices and literature points out that this generation typically values more the quality of the work experience than its stability (Dolot, 2018). This may be a problem for retention, and phenomenons like “quiet quitting” (Daugherty, 2022) are becoming real trends among younger workers that are more and more disengaged (Harter, 2022). However, that was previously attributed to millennials too but then proved to be wrong (Deal, 2010). Interestingly, for a new hot topic like hybrid/remote work, younger generations (20-30 years old) appreciate classic office work like their older (50+) colleagues, contrary to the intermediate group that prefers online interaction (Bloom, 2022).


Bloom N. (2022) Hybrid Work is Here to Stay. CNBC. Available from

Daugherty G. (2022) What Is Quiet Quitting—and Is It a Real Trend? Investopedia. Available

Deal, J. J., Altman, D. G., & Rogelberg, S. G. (2010) Millennials at work: What we know and what we need to do (if anything). Journal of business and psychology, 25(2), 191-199.

Dolot, A. (2018) The characteristics of Generation Z. E-Mentor. Czasopismo Naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, (2 (74), 44-50. Available from

Harter J. (2022) Is Quiet Quitting Real? Gallup. Available from