Advent of IT

I’m solving the Advent of Code 2022 pushing all the code to GitHub and I’m also following the Advent of Cyber 2022.

Happy Advent of IT!

Advent of Code

I’m not particularly proud of the code I wrote so far, but, to be honest, I can hardly find enough time to do everything, so I just have to accept that.

So far the hardest part of the challenge was to understand clearly the specifications. On day 9 I wasted a ton of time because I misunderstood how the rope was supposed to move, while on day 10 I had a frustrating bug related to indexes starting at 1 or at 0 in different parts of the puzzle.

I’m observing the stat page and noticing the dramatic drop in participation. It’s surprising, however, that almost everyone completing step 1, also completes step 2.

Advent of Cyber

Advent of Cyber was a very interesting discovery this year. I always wanted to jump into Try To Hack Me, but the learning curve is quite steep. So far, it’s all very interesting. I already knew most of the topics, at least at a basic level, but some lessons reserved a few surprises.

My favourite discovery so far is CyberChef on day 7. It’s a tool I’ll keep in mind for the next time I have to explore some unknown log! It was also a pleasant jump in the past to hack a game on day 10. Hacking games to cheat was probably one of the first thing I loved to do with computers as a child.

I want to mention also the youtube channel of Alh4zr3d. It’s one I will definitely follow in the future.