Summary of week 52

Companies don’t use AI (yet)

I did a bit of research on AI adoption in Companies. Long story short: it will happen, but we are not there yet.

Implementing AI

I’ve been playing with Ollama and LangChain. Nice and really productive tools. I’ll find the time to publish some code at some point.

Funny research

This week I found two papers that caught my eye for their titles:

Do Androids Know They’re Only Dreaming of Electric Sheep? about hallucinations. It’s a clear reference to Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Language Models are Super Mario: Absorbing Abilities from Homologous Models as a Free Lunch that is also constellated of pop references to explain complex concepts:

For example, in X-Men’s Apocalypse, the character can absorb the powers of other mutants to strengthen himself. Likewise, the protagonist in the Super Mario games can gain superpowers like throwing fireballs by absorbing in-game items. Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, can reasonably be considered as early iterations of artificial general intelligence systems, given their performance is remarkably close to human-level capabilities. In this paper, we astonishingly find that LMs, similar to Apocalypse and Super Mario, can enhance their capabilities by absorbing other models without the need for training or GPUs.

Both papers are quite interesting too, by the way!

AI-enhanced music

AI-enhanced piano to support disabled musicians. I love it, and it makes me reflect on the real reason why I go to concerts.

Kill the clipboard manipulation

I hate when a website appends text to my clipboard. Sometimes, I copy a sentence, and then I find additional text when I paste it.

<text that I selected and copied>

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Job Boards for Remote Work

I refreshed my list of job boards to find remote work, and I published it on GitHub. I used the style of Awesome because why not?